Saturday, July 2, 2011


“There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—“  Ecclesiastes 3:1

Our family is standing in awe of our GREAT GOD and the way He meets us in the various “seasons” of life.

In May, we saw the Lord bring in approx. $3100 through the 2nd Mission Romania Garage Sale.  He amazed us again with many donations and did above and beyond all that we could imagine.  We are so thankful to the team of awesome servants who have tirelessly helped in raising support for our family to depart.  As our children voiced their amazement in how God has been so faithful with the garage sales, the Lord put in our hearts to share with them to remember this season and all that our God has done.  There may be doubt and discouragement that comes after we get to Romania, but both Elli and James have been blessed first hand to see their God at work and know that HE wants their family in Romania.

Also in May, the Lord blessed us with an opportunity to ship our belongings for one “flat-fee” as we contacted a Romanian shipping company here that had a ½ empty container that needed to be shipped on May 20th.  They would lose money if the container wasn’t full.  They even came to our home to pick it all up and will deliver to our door on the other end once we are there.  We spent 3 days working hard to get it all together and separated out all the belongings it was time to say “good-bye” to and get those to Garage Sale #2.  We praise the Lord this big portion of our move is complete and can focus on other details of the move and saying our “goodbyes”.

At the end of May, our God blessed our family with watching our son James win his 2nd division Championship with his East Yorba Linda Little League team.  It was a season of life time lessons in trusting God and inviting Him into all that we do.  God taught us to let go of our son and let Him have James during game time; it was so sweet to watch James pray in one particular difficult moment when he pitched to get the last batter out of the last playoff game and the Lord to bless him with victory (plenty of David vs. Goliath moments).  Elli was blessed to testify of all that God did in our lives through this season and was amazed how “when mommy prays, things happen” (no, it is not my prayer but by GOD who I have great faith in).  She never cheered louder for her little brother as she did this season.  As we head into June, we have one last week of baseball as James’ team will play for the City of Yorba Linda Championships.  To God be the Glory!

We now have just weeks before our July 5th departure and are praying for God’s hedge of protection about us and for the Lord to prepare the way as we are currently having someone seek housing for us in Cluj.  Please pray with us for wisdom and pray that our last weeks here with our beloved family at CCEA would be sweet and God would build us up as we head out on a new adventure for Him.

UPCOMING EVENT:   Farewell BBQ at the Chinn’s house.  Sunday, July 3rd after 1st service.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that an amazing surprise and gift, that this man "happened" to have half of a container that needed to be filled. Isn't God amazing how He goes above and beyond, even to have the folks pick up your items?
