Thursday, September 11, 2014


We first met our friends of Casa Sanctuary, the first year we moved to Romania.  We met an American man named Ray - who had an apartment close to ours that found us on the internet and got in touch with us.  Ray doesn't live here in Cluj (but used to many years ago and visits 1-2 times a year) but is from CC Philly.  Back in the early 90's Ray served as a missionary here with a heart for the orphans; he helped start up and raise awareness for Casa Sanctuary (a Christian home for abandoned children; no one is an orphan with God as their Heavenly Father.
It is the joy of our hearts to go on outreaches to spend time with them.  They are about an hour from us, but its an easy/anticipating drive.  We usually do crafts and play sports, and spend time talking about what the Lord has for each of them.  Our hearts are always full of joy when we return.
God is doing a great work there 23+ years later, and the stories of redemption and adoption from this place; well, they are just God at work.  We have encourage Ray and the staff to document their stories in a book; something they are prayerfully looking into. The boys are learning construction skills to help them be able to attain jobs, and the girls are learning to sew and style hair.  They are ALL precious.
Our last visit, we enjoyed a game of baseball, crafts, cookies and left them with some equipment and took a load of clothing/shoes.  We hope to return in the next couple of weeks and play again.
***P.S. - They caught on to baseball VERY quickly and several are natural talents!

While there, I (Coleen) kept hearing the song "Love is here; Love is now.  Love is flowing from His and and from His brow..."

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

Adela and the other staff members have been committed servants for many years.

the girls loved their bracelets
Teo and Patrick helping with crafts
Craft Time !
Eva is adorable! She shared with us her
sewing skills she has learned (and camera shy-ness)
Eva is making a special dress for
when she attends her friends wedding.

So Sweet !
Love Love Love
LOVE !!!

Fly butterflies, Fly !!!
The girls blessed Coleen & Elli each
with purses that they made.
VERY special indeed.
LOVE !!!

The boys were very
excited to get some new toys
(spinning tops)

Wherever we go, NO ONE leaves without JeJe making sure
they have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and are
encouraged that God desires to be with them in fellowship.
Here he talked with the kids about "pursuing" God continually. 

Calvary Chapel European Pastors & Leaders Conference (held at the CC "Castle" in Milstatt, Austria)

This year was a really great time for us as a family.
We met with many of our CC family and made new friends we hadnt met before.
The Youth leaders (a young couple serving at CC Costa Mesa - who came to minister to the youth last year, and have gotten to know both Elli and James), asked Elli to teach Bible study one night, in which the Lord lead her to teach on:   "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."  1 Timothy 4:12
(we heard good reports back; proud mom and dad moment)

We enjoyed teaching, worship, time of encouragement in fellowship, and several doors were open for us to minister to others who serve in other countries.

Thankful for this opportunity and new memories made.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


A great time of baseball (some soccer for the little ones) and games and Bible time this summer.
Keep these young people in prayer; that they would grow in the ways of the Lord, follow after Him hard, and love/obey His Word.