We stand in awe and thanksgiving of the Lord's faithfulness
to us, and what He is doing here in Cluj.
If there is one thing we have learned from Him - it is to be consistent
and persistent in doing what He has asked; no matter what. Nehemiah is a great example of this;
regardless of what whispers and distractions the enemies brought, he was
steadfast and purposeful in the task God had given him to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem . For God Himself is constant and never changes;
He is steadfast in His mercy, grace, loving kindness, tenderness, faithfulness,
forgiveness....(this list goes on and on...)
The truth of matters is, that the enemy will always be
completely against any work of God. In
you, in us, in this world. As long as we
are complacent, indifferent and ineffective - he could care less. The enemy has been hard at work at times
here, but God remains constant and faithful as we push forward in prayer and
surrender all to Him.
We know that the toughest fought battles are won in the
spiritual throne room of prayer.
We are asking you to join us in this battle and be warriors
of prayer; specifically, for the heart's of the Romanian people and His
ministry here in Cluj.
If you are up for the challenge, kindly join us in prayer
(battle) for the following:
1) A pouring out of
the Holy Spirit on Cluj (and Romania )
- that we would see a spiritual revival in the heart's of the people here.
2) A great victory and harvest of the fields here in
Cluj. Especially as the CCEA Mission Romania team
comes along side of us from June 20-July 3 (and those staying on longer).
3) For the Lord to greatly use and pour out His Spirit on
the CCEA Mission Romania
team members: the 21 who will stay/serve
2 weeks and the 7 staying on until the beginning of August and continue to help
harvest and build disciples for His Kingdom.
4) Wisdom and leading from the Lord regarding the women's Bible study beginning the end of June. For the Lord to draw the hearts of those women He would have come. For it to be a time of growing and gleaning in His Word together.
5) God's blessing on a wedding we have happening in our
backyard on June 7th. A union of a
couple in Christ from our sister CC that meets at the Prison Fellowship. Pray for their union (Cipri and Cristina) and
blessings on their marriage.
6) June 10 - Vote
day. We will not be meeting Sunday, June
10 in our church facility behind our home but will instead gather in our
backyard, as the facility will be used as a polling place. We will be evangelizing all day in the street
in front of our home - pray for a harvest and righteous leadership to rise up
in Romania !!!
7) For JeJe to have traveling mercies as he travels to the U.S. for the CC
Pastor's Conference, and that the Holy Spirit would refresh and meet him there
in very revealing ways. To bless his
time that he spends in fellowship a few days with the body at CCEA.
8) God's covering on
Coleen, Elli and James as JeJe travels to the U.S.
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