At the beginning of March, roads to the snowbound areas finally were cleared, temperatures slowly started warming and snow began to melt). JeJe traveled with 2 other CC pastors and a group of men from one of their fellowships to minister to the people of this area. One pastor (and long time friend), Steve Quarles lives in the area.
While much of the snow had cleared, the people were so glad that people cared about them and reached out to them. Many of these families are very poor; with up to 3 generations living in one room.
The men representing Calvary Chapel shared the hope found only in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and distributed oranges, clothing and the last of the boxes of hats/scarves and blankets that were provided by CCEA's Stitches ministry.
Pastor Steve shared his thankfulness and was encouraged by this outreach to the villages around him. It was a blessing to be able to come alongside him at a time when these people need the hope and the love of Jesus.
Our heartfelt thanks to you for praying for the people of Romania.