We spent a Sunday evening with our Prison Fellowship friends, two weeks ago, with a Thanksgiving message and meal. At the end, everyone received a hat and scarf that the loving hands of Stitches of Love prepared and sent.
These precious people are a joy to be with. There are two, 4-story buildings at the facility. One building houses children under 18 who are abandoned, orphaned, or whose parents are either in prison or a threat to them. The other building is for adults (some elderly) who are abandoned - several are grown orphans. The Director and her husband are Jesus loving Christians, who ask us to keep coming. Our friends, Dave & Lili Bunnell do the Sunday church services there and a church fellowship has grown through those who have made commitments to Jesus. We praise God for this ministry, it is a blessing and we love seeing Him work in the lives of many there. 
We will spend Thanksgiving Thursday with our YWAM friends - celebrating with fellowship and a meal.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good - His love endures forever. Sing Praise!"
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