Crossing Cultures, Christmas Video
"We have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world." 1 John 4:14
Elli has been so faithful to minister God's Word to these children of our community. She blessed them with gift bags for Christmas! What JOY.
What a joy it was to open our home to the men's soccer group to have a Christmas dinner together. 17 of the 23 men (2 young teens) were able to come.
They were very grateful and thanked us for our hospitality. More importantly, they felt the presence and peace of the Lord upon our home.
The Lord continues to use JeJe to minister to these men, only a few claim to walk with the Lord. What is also fun is that several members of the local police department like to go and join them ;o)
Many of these men, JeJe has known his entire life, and worked in the coal mines here. They have witnessed the transforming work of Jesus in JeJe's life, and we are thankful for this ministry. Please pray for them as they now play indoors in winter months; but we pray for salvation for them and their families.
What a joy it has been to be able to open our home and hearts to host events and invite others in to know Jesus personally.
Our first event was a leadership training event for women to be equipped with the Biblical Discipleship material of GO IN PEACE. This event was to train other women in leadership to be able to go thru the Discipleship program with new believers or women seeking, and even women in the church who have not yet found what it means to GO IN PEACE with Jesus. Please pray for these women as they take these Biblical truths further and equip others. Two of the ladies who attended are involved with women's prisons ministry in a very spiritually dark area of the country; we know that these truths from God's Word will be very powerful and life changing to the women - and break every chain!
Elli is hosting a few events with younger women in our community. a Gospel message is shared, and the girls spend time time doing craft, cookie decorating and even partaking in a game or two. Its been a powerful thing to build relationships and be lights to our community. Please pray as there are more events to come this month; that lives would fully surrender to Jesus.
One of our favorite parts, has been to hear people walk in our front door and comment about how great they feel here; its the presence of Jesus !!!
Please pray with us - for lives to be changed for Jesus - as we continue with events this month.
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Kind of quiet around here... |
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Our last day together, we finished reading the Bible as a family - cover to cover, a second time. |
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Our last outing together, we also celebrated James getting his Romanian drivers license - with a perfect score on the driving exam (not so easy when you do it in Romanian ;o) |
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We FINALLY got to visit our friends at Casa Sanctuary in October. It was lonngggg overdue!
They were not allowed to have visitors until school was back in session, and they were not allowed to have outside visitors indoors. Thankfully, the Lord blessed us with decent weather and we were able to visit with our friends in the courtyard and take them some treats. It was precious to be able to spend time with them all.
The workers are COVID tested every two weeks.
The day after we left, we received word that 3 of the workers tested positive and so did several of this children. The were forced into 2 week quarantine - everyone stayed in doors until the 2 weeks were over, and we recently received word that everyone is healthy. Praise God! and we praise God for His hand of protection over us - none of us were affected.
Elli would not be able to return to the Children's after school center until the school year (hesitatingly) started. Sure enough, after a start of rotating children in their attendance (one week home learning, one week in class learning) - schools would return to in home only by the beginning of November. We are not sure how long the center will remain open; they have struggled this year with workers, finances and may close soon - but we are hopeful for a Christmas outreach to them.
Elli has been faithful to minister to the children of the center. We trust Jesus to take all the seeds that have been planted and grow them one day.
2020 will go down in the history books as one of the toughest for many in this generation.
However, He has special promises for us - if we will keep our end of the deal:
"Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His faithfulness to a thousand generations for those who love Him and keep His commandments" Deuteronomy 7:9
With our God, we will not be shaken - we have a far greater glory that awaits us than anything this world offers us.
"My shield is with God, Who saves the upright in heart." Psalm 7:10
We rejoiced on September 5th as our son James made his public confession to fully surrender and follow Jesus Christ, by water baptism.
IT was a beautiful day, blessed in every way as we gathered for the baptism and enjoyed a home bbq/fellowship after.
"The Lord has done great things for us; we are joyful!" Psalm 126:3
After almost 4 months of being forced to remain at home, Romania began releasing restrictions on us. During this time our church met on Zoom and several people from other areas of Europe joined in.
We were able to have a few church fellowship gatherings (picnics, bbq's, etc), go out to celebrate Elli's birthday, and make steps to pursue a little more of our regular routine - including evangelism in our home and out of it.
Rules remain that masks are obligatory everywhere in public and almost ALL stores, restaurants, doctors offices, etc require the taking of your temperature.
During the time of isolation, God did a lot of work in our personal hearts and gave us sweet fellowship as a family. He also began a new work - social media outreach and teaching videos. These can be found on the "Triumf" Facebook page, as well as on YouTube by searching "Triumf". Romanian videos have captions in English - you just may need to adjust your settings ;o)
The vides have been well received and many in our community in Romania discuss them with us.
God has been using them as a great tool, especially during times where we are forced indoors.
In addition, JeJe resumed his pursuit of getting community projects accomplished with the Mayor; this time with getting the streets asphalted.
We had an abundance of rain in the month of June. By months end, our river (the Jiu) could no longer hold it. The Jiu river flows into the Danube.
At 6am on June 26 our phones went off with emergency alerts to flooding in our area. Elli opened her bedroom window (which faces the river), to hear the roaring waters rushing by. Our home is about 10 houses from the river. Thanks be to God, our embankment is higher than some of the other areas of the river and we did not see any flooding on our street, some of the neighbors down river faced a lot of disastrous flooding.
Women's Day March 8th
Romania celebrates "Mothers Day" by celebrating ALL women on the International day of the woman.
We had a small gathering celebrating some of the women in our church. We love the way each generation compliments and helps the other; just as God intended.
Unbeknownst to us at the time, This would be our last gathering for several months, as we would be into forced home isolation for the next 4 months....
We had a lovely evening sharing with several women in our community about the Bible; its history, its validity, its authority, the power it has in our lives, the Truth it is in world of lies.
It was a beautiful event, where several received their first Bible ever. Please pray with us for the ladies who attend, that the seeds planted would take deep root in their hearts and grow.