The vision we have for Romania is not about just one city, it is to reach the people of Romania (and others) with the Word of God and the love of Jesus, that they would be transformed in their inner man and live for His glory. We want to see the body of Christ united in Romania , and healthy churches planted that will reach the unsaved and do good works for His kingdom.
As we have prayed over Romania and are making preparations to move there this summer, God placed on our hearts to pray for "worship" and a family to join us in this work. In mid-January we received answers to these prayers: we received an email from a long time Calvary Chapel friend who lives in the city of Cluj (the birthplace of our two children, Elli and James). This friends name is Razvan. He and his wife is Anca have two children - who are close in age with our children. Razvan also leads worship! His request was honest and humble: the church in Cluj had suffered a lot of hurt and just two families remain. He shared the vision the Lord has given him for Romania - to reach the whole country with His Word and to start with the university students - that God wants revival to happen in Romania . We had not yet shared our vision the Lord had given to us, yet it is exactly in line to what Razvan shared. He also included the scripture Ecclesiastes 4:12 "a cord of three strands is not easily torn apart". The very scripture God has given us - we need the body of Christ to join us so that we can be strong for Him. Again, Cluj would be the starting place for us to begin a "church plant" and we are submitted to the Lord for His plans in directing future church plants in Romania .